Ah, August!

by | Aug 22, 2020

Dear Reader, what a time it has been. I hope you are all right, whether you are in COVID hotspots or blessed, as we currently are, to be in Western Australia in sorta-kinda normality.

The difficulty of the year has been compounded for me by navigating the rocky and twisty paths that comprise coming to terms with my mother’s death, including the fun experience that is reliving childhood trauma. To this extent COVID-disruption has felt continuous with my personal sense of dislocation, loss and more or less utter weirdness. I have been lucky, however, to have been profoundly supported by my loved ones, my colleagues, and logical (chosen) family. For this I am grateful. If you’re not in the middle of pain and grief of your own, I say to you: do not underestimate the difference you can make to others with the smallest of kindnesses.

There are signs of improvement. For one thing, I am delighted to announce that Squiggly and Shell (aka the ABBA/rollerskating/horseriding/WAY 79 novel) will be published by the awesome Fremantle Press in September 2021. I can’t wait to share this with you: it has been so much joy to write.

ABBA dress up

Lifelong ABBA enthusiasts

Also, I have used iso-learning opportunities to complete the Australian Institute of Company Directors course, start learning Indonesian, and begin Zoom lessons on this beautiful instrument, which I have always wanted to play.


In any case, I wish you well, where ever you are. I am writing a memoir with which I hope to entertain you in the future, tentatively entitled ‘How to Avoid a Happy Life: a Comedy in Parts’. Stay tuned!

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