Book Week shenanigans

by | Aug 25, 2018

It is that time of year again, where those in the world of children’s literature wander far and wide, aided by teachers, librarians, TAs, and parents, to celebrate the books made to expand the imaginative horizons of our kids. Although we in the trade have taken to calling it Bookweekmonth, as gigs start before and continue after it, Book Week itself concluded yesterday. For me, it started with the WA Children’s Book Council dinner and ended with me having visited Dianella, Inglewood, Osborne Park, Southern River College and St Brigid’s in Lesmurdie. The library gigs were sponsored by the Children’s Book Council, an organisation of volunteers who do so very much to connect books and kids. Go 2&5!

I am exhausted, happy and grateful for the wonderful kids and young adults I met this week – including a girl who shared the name of my protagonist from my first novel, Obsession, and had also gone to Kemmy high school. Quite a freaky coincidence, what?!

Here are some happy snaps from some of the above:


st-brigids-2 dianella-library meg-frane-amanda-and-me

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