It’s that time again.
This year, as well as MCing Schools Day, AJ Betts and I are chairing the Inspired Learning Program for teachers. (Side note: AJ has been driving me insane with jealousy by posting frequent pictures of her cycling expedition to New Zealand, but I should have found my way to forgiving her by 18 Feb. Maybe.)
The program for Schools Day is here, and the Inspired Learning Program is here.
For Schools Day, I’m talking to Carole Wilkinson about her fascinating non-fiction book Atmospheric, which deals with the history and science of climate change, and Katherine Rundell about her rollicking girls-own-adventure novel, The Wolf Wilder. I’ll also be talking to the remarkable Yassmin Abdel-Magied: if you haven’t heard of her yet, she’s a mechanical engineer, writer and activist who campaigns for tolerance with Youth Without Borders.
For the Inspired Learning Day, I’ll be speaking to Sally Rippin, Sean E Avery, Jasper Fforde, Meg McKinlay and David Burton, among others, about how to engage readers both reluctant and enthusiastic, how to encourage and expand the horizons of young creatives, and introduce some new and exciting work for young people, among other things.
If you can come, it’ll be one cracking Friday afternoon.