Sharing the love

by | Feb 14, 2009

I’ve been a fan of Russell Hoban ever since I read his sublime Turtle Diary when I was 17.  He combines wit, elegance of phrase and deep insight into the human condition with cracking storytelling.  (I also love the way he moves between children’s and adult works without anyone feeling compelled to label him ‘just’ a children’s writer.)  He’s written reams of work that, thus far, I haven’t had time to read, but I look forward to being able to indulge myself, one day, when the availability of time stops becoming such a pressing issue.

So discovering a website dedicated to spreading his words through the judicious placement of quotes in bookshops, on advertisements, in tube stations and other places fills me with delight.  (Thanks, Mike!)  I might even do a few random postings around Perth – maybe at the up and coming writers’ festival?  Stay posted!

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