On Tuesday I was interviewed on national radio for the first time. I’m not quite sure how it happened: I got a call from the producer of Books and Arts Daily and next thing it’s early in the morning and I’m waiting nervously to go into the ABC studios to talk about YA lit and sex (my special topic, I know).

I was joined by the mellifluous and marvellous Margo Lanagan and the superb and savvy Steph Bowe, as well as Samantha Bowers, delicious fictish blogger. You can listen to it here.
The experience was a delight, notwithstanding that I’d been sitting in Caffissimo beforehand muttering to myself, ‘Why do I say yes to these things?’ (Because doing things that scare the bejesus out of you is good, I reminded myself afterward.) Twitter has changed public discourse, and for these kinds of topics the change is for the better. I had, for example, the pleasure of being introduced to Jodi McAlister’s fascinating research on virginity in romance.
In other news, there is exciting writing afoot with my Losing It launcher, Patricia McMahon. When I can share some of it, I will. In the meanwhile, I had forgotten the satisfaction of the fattening wodge of draft text, and the thrill of taking ideas to new places.
In other other news, I went to my first Anzac Day parade this year, to see my Dad march (he’s the one in grey). (If you want to read about Australian soldiers in Vietnam, read Barry Heard’s Well Done Those Men.) He’s only started marching in recent years; I was proud to see him, and wished I’d gone to see him before.

In other other other news, you gotta love dogs. And random thongs.